Friday, April 8, 2016

Blaming Byron?

    So, we've already established that the Los Angeles Lakers are PUTRID(read all my damn articles man/ giving y'all gold baby), and the reasons why they are PUTRID. Kobe Bryant, D'angelo Bust-ell, and Steph Curry(Light and Bright what they call him). You might notice that i never mentioned Byron Scott, which many Lakers fans put at the top of their list, and to them i say: You're Stupid. Outside of that group of guys in Philadelphia that try to do something resembling basketball but it is not really basketball, the Los Angeles Lakers have the worst roster in the NBA. For Christ sakes, Roy Hibbert is on this team...and HE STARTS!!!! I could stop there, but i shall not. They also have 2 fossils on the team, Ron Artest(his mama named him Ron, ima call him Ron), Kobe Bryant, and they get Minutes! I remember watching Michael Jordan play and thinking that every time he shot the ball, it was going in...with Ron, i have the opposite thoughts. Im usually right. Kobe we'll address later.
     Then you have the young guys: D'angelo Bust-ell, a jumpshot dependent, non-explosive, not tall enough or good enough shooter to be a shooting guard, but not fast enough to be a point guard, dude who's PR department at Ohio State deserves a pay raise, and also the dude who won't be on this team after his current contract expires, Trust. Julius Randle, the one with promise, yet is still so frustrating to watch cause you constantly scream at him to "USE UR RIGHT HAND!!!", but he doesn't hear you cause you're screaming at the TV. No True offensive game, and lackadaisical on defense at times, but he could be great if he gets a jumper and a RIGHT HAND!!! Jordan Clarkson , is the teams best player, and that's a damn shame.
     Then you have the fact that the Lakers 2016 first round draft pick is protected only if its a top three pick. Basically, the Lakers have to lose enough games to get enough balls in the Lottery selection process to hopefully get one of the top 3 picks(Brandon Ingram, yes he needs to put creatine in everything he uses, creatine lotion, creating toothpaste, but he's gonna be good), if they don't lose games, they get nothing, nada, zilch. And that would Huuuuurrrrtttttt.
      The worst thing fans of sports teams do is wrongfully blame the coaches. Now of course there are some terrible dudes out there that have no business being the head coach of sports teams(Chip Kelly), but there are a lot of guys that are just dealt bad hands, and Byron is one of those. He's in a can't-win situation, literally. The front office has given him a roster of dudes who can't play with names fans recognize so they think the team isn't trying to win, because pulling a Philadelphia 76'ers move won't work in LA, we are entitled and need to feel that we have a shot at winning titles, its our Right!lol. And just coming out and tanking would hurt the bottom line: Ticket Sales and Revenue, and the Executives aint out here trying to hurt the bottom line, people get fired for things like that. So they have to appear to be trying, even though they're not. They have to Lose to keep they're pick! Then you have the young players that aren't ready to be steady contributors. Just because you're a high draft pick doesn't mean you should play 35 mins a game, you have to earn your keep. Rookies are usually turnover machines and defensive liabilities, and have no idea most of the time how to run the offense when option A is taken away, which is what NBA defenses are designed to do. So when option A is taken away what do rookies do? They ISO. Which makes it look like they're out there running around in a terrible offense, when in fact they're are the reason the offense is terrible. He's also got to deal with the circus that has been Kobe Bryant's last season. How can you actually coach a team full of trash(Roy Hibbert) and youngsters, when your statistically worst player is being celebrated and cheered on every night to shoot every time he touches the ball, and he does. Im not blaming Kobe for coming back as a shell of his former self just so he can get that $24 million be out there on the court in a wheel chair if it meant me getting $24 million, wheelchair would be a helluva screen setter, believe that! But its killing Byron and the team. You literally have other players on the team being booed by fans when Kobe is on the court and they take a shot instead of him. You can't coach in that atmosphere. Phil Jackson would lose 60+ games too!
     Byron Scott has led a team to the NBA Finals twice, and led another team to the Western Conference Finals...He can coach and has forgotten more basketball than most of you will ever know.  Fire Byron and where do you go from there? Tom Thibodeau? Just what LA needs, another hoarse voiced coach, reporters will lose their mind trying to get soundbites! Derek Fisher? Lmao, Guard your girl fellas! Luke Walton? I could coach Light and Bright and the Warriors to a championship, "ok, lets pass the ball to Steph. If he's not open, pass it to Klay, if Klay aint open, try to pass it to Steph again"...its easy! There aren't too many Byron Scotts just walking around on the street. So Lakers fans, just chill out, let the process happen, and stop being Stupid.

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