Monday, September 7, 2009

I Hate the Oakland Raiders

Growing up in the 'Bay Area', you learn early the do's and dont's of the land. A season pass to Great America is the only way to go, you can go a max of 3 stops on the Light Rail before a cop gets on, etc. You learn later that if you're going to Oakland to party, go with at least 3 friends because you're likely to get into some funk. Don't step off the curb to approach a car full of women on Santa Clara ave., you'll get a $300 ticket that your dad will make you pay! Most importantly you learn that if you're a 49er fan, which i am, you despise the Cowboys and HATE the Raiders!!!!
There are many reasons i hate the Raiders, ill just pinpoint a few so this doesn't become a novel!
5. The team colors are awful! Black(i love my people) and silver? It's drab, dull, boring, scary, and unimaginitive. Scarlet and Gold is a much better option;-)
4. Boring post game festivities. Who the hell wants to party in Oakland? I'd rather chill in Detroit! No thriving downtown scene, but there is a thriving crime scene.
3. The fans are the worst. People have been killed, urinated on, spat upon(like that?lol), beaten down, jumped, and plain just had a bad day at Raider home games. I've won countless bets from Raider fan that swears "this is the year! so what we went 4-12 last year.", and still have not been paid from those bets. Raider fan!
2. They consistently make the worst moves. Todd Marinovich(low blow, i know). Robert Gallery, Jamarcus Russell, Darren McFadden, and these three are all in the last 3 years! Darius Hayward-Bey, drafted a guy at #7 that was projected a late first rounder if at all, then paid him as if he was a #3 draft pick forcing my Niners and their Top 5 projected pick(Michael Crabtree aka Idiot) to beef all summer long over a contract. Thanks Raiders. Traded their 1st round pick in 2011 to the Patriots for defensive end Richard Seymour, who is in the last year of his contract and has yet to show up to the team. Good one Al.
1. Al Davis is the worst Owner in Pro sports. Hires puppet coaches that he can control, fires them(see Lane Kiffin) when he cant. Selected Hayward-Bey over Crabtree because he ran a faster 40 yard dash. Even dumb raider fans agree that the team will probably progress when he's no longer with us. If that's the case, i pray Al Davis lives forever!


  1. Man, finally someone who I can agree with. I dont understand where all of this Raider love comes from. They havent been good since the Super Bowl yr (and that was a fluke). Al Davis needs to realize he cant operate a sports franchise the way he has and expect to be succesfull. If someone gave davis a piece of paper with the Raiders record the last six seasons, all he bad trades and bad contracts, and said look what someone was responsible for. He would have to fire Himself!!! Thats what I dont get.

  2. dawg ... did you copy my foodflirt90210design :) ??? lol ... good blog ... I have a few copy edits for ya , call me

  3. Lmao! i love it dub "man, finally someone..." thanks for the endorsement. Ima put you on the infomercial. Linds- i didnt copy, i don't think i did. I just went with the black(always bet on black! you'll be back;)

  4. Ok fellow Bay Arean, here is the deal:
    1. Raiders do suck but you always get a great show with their ghetto ass fans fighting the opposing team fans. Now that is always worth the money!
    2. They have the most loyal fans I know, can't argue that.
    3. Their colors are ugly but make you look thinner :) lol
    4. The support the bumper sticker companies with all that "Raider Nation" on their windows/cars!
    5. Oakland might be on the dangerous side but they sure can dance!!!

  5. Lmao! Lets not confuse Loyalty with Lunacy! True the colors make you look thinner, but they also make you look like you listen to Marilyn Manson!
