Monday, November 2, 2009

It's Been a Long Time, I Shouldn't Have Left You.....

IM BACK!!!!!!! Yes, that Niners loss to the Vikings really hurt, but i've also been busy. There was the wedding of two of my best friends, Aaron and Marina. Congrats, no pressure but i'd love to see some young republicans rugrats from you two soon;-). Work....just bringing it up makes me tired!!! Miss Real's visit from Vancouver, one of my best friends coming back into the fold, and I'm a pretty popular dude so i spread myself thin from time to time. No worries though, im here to give you my observations, and takes on happenings in the world of sports and other realms. Read it, live it, love it!!!!

1. Is it me, or is October Gonzalez(Tony Gonzalez' wife) so fine she makes you hate Tony? My Lord!!! I just saw her on ESPN, and i drooled on my couch! I know the Lord says "Thou Shalt Not Covet Another Man's Possessions", but Damn!!!
2. I hate the Yankees
3. I also hate Joe Buck. He's so snooty, and corny. While im at this hating thing let me run down a list of things i hate....My G1 cellphone battery, the 405, my car(dumbass investment), men that go to a bar and ask the bartender "what do u like to make?", girls who say "i don't normally do this"(stop lying), Tim Teebow(im sure the state of Florida is petitioning for my incarceration as we speak), There's plenty more but ill stop for now.
4. Did i mention, I hate the Yankees?
5. For the life of me i don't understand these celebrities that cheat on their wives with disgusting interns and P.A.'s. First of all, if you're married...Dont Cheat! Second, if you're not gonna follow the first rule, make it worth something!!!!
6. Chase Utley!!!!!!!! He just hit a 3-run Homer!!!!
7. Speaking of the World Series, will someone remind A-Rod that he's A-Rod. He's not supposed to be hitting the ball this time of month. Go put on some of that orange stuff and craft your postgame speech. Stop it!!!
8. The 1-5 Detroit Lions played the 0-6 St. Louis Rams in the Irrelevant Bowl. The winners: All of us that didn't see it. The losers: Advertisers.
9. This year in my fantasy drafts i selected Drew Brees as my first pick. Always take a QB that runs an offense that has a pass/run ratio of 3:1.
10. Brett Favre is knocking on that Top 5 door. Just sayin.
11. Andre Agassi did crystal meth? NO!!!!! Who gives a damn! Not surprised that this confession comes on the heels of his new book release. Imagine that!
12. Hockey, please go away! No one cares! You too soccer.
13. Are there people that are such Chicken Wing enthusiasts, that when they find out the wings they ate were from pizza hut they go absolutely mad and are shocked beyond belief? They're not actors(imagine that was in small print).
14. The King is Dead. USC got blown out by Oregon, who got blown out by Boise St. Which means, The SEC Champ is gonna blow out another whack team in the National Championship game again.
15. Michael Crabtree is the real deal! Alex Smith is starting. Im Happy:-).
16. Machida vs. Shogun was boring as hell! Dont let them hear me say that though.
17. Jay Leno's show is Putrid!!!! Here's a list of other things i find Putrid....the Redskins(two wins have never looked so ugly), Eddie Griffin's reality show, reality TV as a whole, people with photoshopped photos on Myspace and Facebook(Why???).
18. Why is there always a guy in court that gives the half-whistle everytime the judge reads the infractions and fine amounts? We get it dog, it's expensive!!!
19. I like the Cinncinati Bengals.
20. Super Bowl Prediction 2.0.....Saints/Vikings vs. Colts/Patriots. Cant pick one, sorry!!!

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